Christmas Season...

So my facebook friends are talking about going back to Ohio to see family and planning time to see college friends. I will be here, putting in my hours at Bose and crashing my Aunt and Uncle's house for the holiday. I am happy to know that I will be off for Christmas Eve and the mall is closed for Christmas.

I am sad and excited for this holiday season. I know it will be different with no orange rolls, dad guessing what everyone got him by feeling the packages, and mom taking a million and one photos.

Also my Birthday is next month, I really would love a date with Tim Tebow for my present. I'm willing to solicit help from everyone and those I don't know.

On a side note, I'm totally happy with the things going on right now. I'm broke but I like my home, love my job, and my church and my new friends that came with it.

Oh, and Denver is awesome. Other than the stupid drivers and the wreak I almost had yesterday.


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