Vacation and Packing

So I took a two week vacation. CRAZY right?!?!

I had a blast with my little sister the week before my parents got here. In between Serve Denver days, we ate ice cream, shopped, ate more, went to a concert, went to a comedy club, and just hung out. My sister and I are 7 and a half years apart. This can make for an interesting dynamic. We are just about polar opposites, which also makes things interesting. When we were younger we fought like cats and dogs. She was young and annoying and we didn't have much in common, other than having the same parents. But then I left for college, and I would come home and we would have 'sleepovers' in our bedrooms and we loved spending time together. Then I moved to Colorado. Things get more interesting when you move far away and you get caught up in your new life. I cherish the time we have together now. We don't get much of it any more, since I see my family maybe once a year, maybe twice if I'm lucky.

This week reminded me that I'm lucky I have a family that loves me. That my parents are still together and love each other. That I have an overprotective dad. That my mom drives me crazy, but she means the best for me. I'm lucky that they are willing to spend their one week of vacation with me in my town and are willing to let me drag them everywhere with me.

But now that they are gone, I'm back to reality. One of my roommates and I are packing for our impending move in a matter of days. I'm thrilled to be moving into our new place. I'm already hating packing.

Oh and I have to go back to work in the morning!


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