Twenty Eleven: Top Eleven Most Profound Moments

So to ring in the new year I wanted to look back on this past years most seemingly life changing moments.

1- Graduating. I graduated in March from Ohio University. Making it though college and being done is both satisfying and a breath of fresh air.

2- Moving to Colorado. Getting out of Ohio was one of my best decisions. I can't say that everything about leaving the place you grew up is easy but I am happy with the way things are going now.

3- Leaving a Crappy Job and Finding a Great One. This probably my number one. I'm at a job I love. Is it my dream job? Nah, but I like waking up in the morning to go to work.

4- Moving into My Own Place. I am now a happy resident of Aurora, Colorado. I drive about 2 minuits and I'm in Denver. It's pretty much perfect, other then the people who live above me. They shower 3-6 times a day (Each show lasts about 30-45 min, No joke) and they must have food all over their floor, because they drop dishes on the floor all the time. Apartment Life.

5- Finding a Church, Then Finding a Church Family. I was at a church I enjoyed but I didn't feel like it was where God wanted me nor was it the family I was hoping for. Since moving I have found a church were I really think things will flourish. I'm excited to see what 2012 brings me at my new church home!

6- Being Broke. I didn't grow up poor, or at least at the broke times, I didn't know it. So being broke is a new adjustment. I find myself spending most nights at home, eating cheap food, or making large amounts of stuff and eating it for a week. When I do go out, I get to have the treat of going out with my new friends from church, so its an investment of sorts. But I'm learning to be careful because for the past few years I didn't have to worry about money, now I do, I better start learning, and quickly.

7- Making Pancakes. I love them. They are cheap. They make you fat. They taste awesome. You can make a weeks worth in about 15 mins.

8- SMO Tour. Maybe the best week of the year. I spent the week with my boys from The Singing Men of Ohio. I laughed my butt off, was embarrassed, saw many guys in their dunders, slept on one of my best friends shoulders, learned a ton, and left Ohio with a bang.

9- Things Not working Out the Way I Expected. I knew things wouldn't happen the way I wanted. The plan I had in my mind didn't happen, But a new year starts very soon. I think I should throw my plans out my half window and go along with what happens.

10-My Parents Buying Me A Car.  My parents bought a car for me for graduation. What else can I say other than thank God I don't have a car payment.  

11- Friends. I miss my Ohio friends. I'm thankful for my Colorado peeps.

11a- Tim Tebow. OF COURSE! But he can make 2012 the best year, but we have covered that. 


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